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Primăria si Consiliul Local Târgu Cărbunesti © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Budget and Accounting Department, Human Resources.
Head of Department: Borcan Alin Paul
      - Senior Adviser Emilia Popescu,
      - Higher-Referent Dogaru Camelia Natalia
       -Senior Adviser Birau Simona
     -  Principal Adviser Merlan Constantin Alexandru
       -Counselor Assistant Postelnicu Florentina Alina
       -Senior Adviser Dodoaca Ivona
       -Senior Advisor Berbecel Georgeta Niculina

- Drafts the local budget and its publication in the local press;
- Draw up secondary communications for each officer assigned annual budget and occur whenever the budget rectification, following the classification of amounts required by chapters, chapters and titles in volume of loans approved in the budget;
- Draw up notes evidence of transfers from the state budget;
- Ensure the use and local budget execution;
- Subject to approval of the local account of the expenditure budget year;
- Draw up budget estimates;
- Keep track of appropriations for each unit of education for personal expenses and scholarships, health, social, art, culture, municipal, local administration, civil defense, heat, travel subscriptions, investments,
- Draw up the final account of the budget year;
- Prepare the financial studies to substantiate expenditures depending on the needs and spirit of economy;
- Organize, control and responds to how development of accounting activities;
- Draw up the report on the execution plan of expenditure included in the annual plans of the local budget;
- Draw up annual budget and quarterly balance sheet Hall and authorizing officers centralization balance financed from local budgets;
- Receives and verifies the statements of banks with the accompanying documents for accuracy and proper motion data in the extracts with those of the accompanying documents;
- Draw up notes accounting for both budgetary funds, and for the self-financed and legally established special funds;
- Driving out costs and loans Housing units organized according to law;
- Undertake the signature drive, with the head unit in all operations of assets;
- Organizes and manages the accounts;
- Ensure the preparation, circulation and retention of supporting documents underlying accounting records;
- Keep track of the private property of City Hall;
- Draw up N.I.R. purchase based on documents and items at prices;
- Draw up bills of motion for fixed assets received;
- Draw up bills for consumption out of use of inventory items and complete records of evidence inventory items;
- Follow and keep track of movements of fixed assets and inventory items from one place to another;
- Periodically makes managers scored assets and inventory, and if deficiencies are the measures that are required for entry into the legality;
- Draws record numbers and complete inventory of fixed assets for accounting records of fixed assets;
- Participate in annual inventory of property;
- Ensure and verify preparing returns for granting subsidies for passenger transport and settlement of price differences in heat;
- Periodically check operations projects covered preventive financial control in terms of legislation, regularity and employment within budgetary commitments to secondary authorizing officers established by law under the provisions of the authorizing officer;
- Check and respond to situations of work to make the settlement work situations;
- Keep track of expenditure: materials, investments, sponsorships, special funds;
- Keep track of suppliers and debtors;
- Responsible for the setting and retention pay debts to the state and prepares the necessary documents for their payment;
- Informs on special situations, propose measures to solve them and respond to their resolution;
- Ensure the existence, integrity and preservation of property, any values ??in heritage;
- Using the values ??of any kind, and quash declaseaza heritage property in the City Hall,
- Made in cash or receipts and payments account in lei and currency of any kind, including salaries and deductions from these and other obligations, control how these funds are managed;
- Full inspection or survey in relation to the volume, value and nature of the goods, the possibilities of theft, preservation and management, including a representative number of items and documents to allow conclusions on solid financial compliance of normative acts and management;
- Present the documents drawn up control, the conclusions made in order to have control measures to be taken to eliminate detected violations and punish the persons who have committed irregularities or damage occurred;
- Draws up the closing account of the budget year;
- Prepare the financial studies to substantiate expenditures as needed and in the spirit of economy;
- Organizes and prepares quarterly and annual reports of the execution plan of expenditure included in the annual plans of the local budget;
- Draws up quarterly and annual balance its budget and authorizing officers centralization balance financed from local budget;
- Organizes and controls the annual and occasional inventory of material and financial means and make proposals for improvement;
- Organize, control and responds to how development of accounting activities;
- Organize and monitor the management of material, of fixed assets, settlements with debtors and creditors, regular exercise control over records management organization in order to prevent alienation, destruction or supply over the real needs of subunits;
- Receives and verifies the statements of banks with the accompanying documents for accuracy and proper motion data in the extracts with those of the accompanying documents;
- Driving out costs and loans held in housing construction, according to law;
- Draw up notes accounting for both budgetary funds, and for the self-financed and legally established special funds;
- Check and centralizes daily operations that are made by cashier Hall and ensure timely collection of debts, liquidation payment obligations, taking the necessary measures to determine material liability;
- Draw up orders;
- Draw up CEC's cash accounts to raise the unit;
- Draw up the constitution of guarantees for staff employed under the legal provisions;
- Analyze the budget execution, make proposals on the transfer of credits and allowances quarterly changes;
- Centralizes monthly credit requirements of tertiary authorizing loans to be shared;
- Performs monthly opening credits in accordance with local budget and treasury rules;
- Tertiary authorizing budgetary credits distributed in accordance with management approval;
- Follows the day, the Treasury, available funds according to priorities which are established to pay;
- Centralizes monthly consumer bills received from warehouse and prepares accounting note;
- Record justification travel orders received by unit employees;
- Check slips and proof of postage stamps in the accounting record of the consumption;
- Follows the recording of changes in the public domain;
- Provide technical and operational records of inventory goods and material values;
- Periodically check stocks records agree with the technical and operational accounting;
performs other duties set by laws or entrusted by the deliberative and executive
Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025